Opel Astra Hatchback 2010

Opel Astra Hatchback 2010

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Opel for Sale (New and Used)

Opel Logo

Opel is one of the oldest car manufacturing brands, as the company was founded by Adam Opel in Russelsheim Germany in 1863. However the company started off making sewing machines and later moved onto high-wheel bicycles before finally making the first Opel vehicle in 1899.Opel continued expanding and by 1913 was Germany's largest car manufacturer and installed Germany's first car production line in 1924. In 1931 Opel had been bought out by GM and held a 100% share in the company. Opel however suffered during the Second World War as many of their factories were bombed but following the war Opel retained their position as Germanys biggest car manufacturer with production of the Opel Kadett. In modern times Opel has grown to be one of the biggest car manufacturers in the world and its cars are enjoyed the world over.

Opel cars have long been a staple on South African roads, from the classic Opel Cub and Opel Cadett to the more modern Opel Corsa. Opel's popularity is as high as it has ever been and Cars.co.za is proud to provide you with the most comprehensive stock of used and pre owned Opel's in the country. With hundreds of used Opel cars in the database you are sure to save money and find the car that best suits you. Opel cars have always maintained a competitive and affordable price along their range of vehicles and Cars.co.za continues this tradition by providing the buyer quality used Opel cars are prices you can afford to pay. Find the Opel car you deserve on Cars.co.za

Official website: Opel

Opel Astra Hatchback 2010

Source: https://www.cars.co.za/usedcars/Opel/


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